Executive Office

These gentlemen hold all the power. Everything goes through them. If your looking to modify anything in any way shape or form, these are the men to go through. These gentlemen are:
"The Staff"

Name Position of Employment Biography
Lyle "Thrasher" Gordon President Former efed wrestler started about 3 years ago dominating the efed world..He accomplished everything thats why he decided to hang up his tights and run an efed,he has held 3 other efeds before all semi sucessful.
Jason "The Whole F'N Show Moskowitz Vice President Jason is a very accomplished e-fed wrestler. He has three wrestlers that have done very well. Jason is also very well known for his short stint in Tri-State Wrestling (TSW). Along with known a wide variaty of holds, power moves, and everything in between Jason is was a prime canidate for Vice President  
Jason "Adonis"Crow Commissioner Jason "Adonis" Crow is a still active e-fed wrestler that has dominated the competetion in many different feds. He is mainly remembered as the younger brother of Kal Jericho, Big Daddy Smooth. Even though coming into his own, he has now decided to try his hand in the front office of the NAWFPresident  
"Diamond" Jim Shaw Booker "Diamond" Jim Shaw is and was efed wrestler who started wrestling in 1994 as the Rocker, in an AOL efed. Jim has been in numerous efeds. TSW has being the latest. Other's that he's been in are IWF/WOW and NICW and has been very successfull at ideas and angles for his own characters. His goals and aspirations are to make NAWF a great working enviornment for the staff and e-wrestlers.